Airport Security & Your Pets.

Travel Advisory: Do NOT send your pet through the X-ray at airport security! Follow Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines: 1. Take your pet out of the travel carrier just before screening. 2. Send the empty carrier through the X-ray unit on the conveyer belt. 3. Carry your pet or lead them through the walk-through metal […]

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Dogs & Kids, Summer Bonding.

Summer will be here before you know it and so will the opportunity to bond with their best friend! Bonding with their dogs requires time and patience for kids, and provides the opportunity to become best friends for all things fun. There are many ways we can help our kids build a bond with their […]

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Cat Left Home Alone
Leaving Your Cat Home Alone

How long can a cat be left home alone? Its a question often asked, and although cats don’t require daily walks like dogs, being around them does matter more than you think. Regardless, there may be times when you must leave your home overnight or for even longer periods of time. The length of time […]

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Veterinarian Education Training
Becoming a Veterinarian

What does it take to become a Veterinarian (DVM) ? The average veterinarian completes 4+ years of undergraduate education, taking classes such as biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, math, animal science, and more… just to prepare them for attending veterinary school. In some cases, veterinarians already have a Master’s degree […]

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Bring Home a new Dog
Preparing to Bring Home a New Dog

Preparation and patience are key to a happy relationship The key to helping your furry friend make a successful adjustment to your home is being prepared and patient. It can take days to months for you and your pet to adjust to each other. The following tips can help provide a smooth transition. Preparing your […]

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Horses and Coronavirus
Covid in horses & impact on humans

Equine coronavirus infections result in high morbidity and low mortality, meaning many horses may be affected but few will die. Horses generally recover from the infection within three to seven days, but some (very few) will develop complications and deterioration that warrant euthanasia. Coronavirus infection in horses is very different to COVID-19 in humans. At […]

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Vital Signs in a Healthy Horse

One of the most important and overlooked items is monitoring the vital signs of a healthy horse. If you don’t know what vital signs are when your horse is in fact healthy, it will be that much harder to determine when something is wrong. General Demeanor Your horse should be alert, interested and aware of […]

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Pet Emergency Preparation
Disaster Preparations for Pets.

Between earthquakes, fires, hurricanes and now coronavirus (covid-19) with no signs of slowing down, its time to start thinking about being prepared for such events when it comes to your pet and their health and safety. Creating a plan before an emergency happens will help keep you and your pets safe! Keep a Go Bag […]

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Bettas Need More Than a Bowl.

More than a Fish! Known for their bright, beautiful coloration and elaborate fin displays, betta fish are a common household pet. These little beauties require specific care to ensure that they stay happy and healthy. Housing Your Betta The first thing to consider for a betta fish is its environment. Betta fish are often seen […]

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Should My Pet Get Tested for Coronavirus?

Pets can be tested, but because of the minimal risk, USDA, CDC, AVMA, and others are not recommending pets be tested for COVID-19 at this time. As of March 15, the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the College of Veterinary Medicine has the capability to test for the new COVID-19 in pets. The test request must […]

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