aquarium water check
Checking Your Aquarium Water Quality.

Aquatic turtles are one of the most popular reptiles in the hobby today. Watching them in their turtle tank setup can be a calming and enjoyable experience. However, aquatic turtles are messy animals, and if you don’t properly maintain and monitor your turtle’s water, your turtle can become sick and prone to disease. Check and […]

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is your cat in pain?
Recognizing Pain in Cats.

Pain it isn’t always obvious to others when you’re experiencing it. Unless it’s a broken leg twisted at a 90-degree angle or a big bruise on your arm, pain is a condition with no obvious external manifestations. Sure, some people are good at going around making sure everyone knows they’ve stubbed a toe or pulled […]

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Helping Dogs Scared of Fireworks
Helping Dogs Scared of Fireworks.

Fireworks might be awe-inspiring for some people, but many dogs are scared of fireworks and find the sound and spectacle of them terrifying. Dog fireworks anxiety can leave your pets in a panicked state. It should go without saying that anxious dogs don’t belong at fireworks displays, but even dogs that are at home can […]

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Can I Give my Dog Benadryl
Can I Give My Dog Benadryl? If So How Much?

PLEASE NOTE: It’s always best to contact your veterinarian for guidance before administering any medication to your pet. Benadryl, also known by its generic name, diphenhydramine, is one of the few over-the-counter drugs that veterinarians routinely have owners administer at home.  You might be looking for Benadryl to ease your dog’s anxiety, or maybe your dog was stung […]

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